Membership Guidelines

Club Description:
FBLA provides opportunities for students to develop vocational and career competencies and to promote civic and personal responsibilities. We meet monthly with an activity or a guest speaker to enhance leadership skills, strengthen confidence in students, learn more about business and consumerism, and support altruism through various projects.

Academic Requirements: None

Citizenship Requirements: Same as A+ requirements.

Club Meeting Attendance Guidelines:
You must pay dues to participate in activities and/or meetings.

Club Activity/Trip Attendance Guidelines:
You must be passing all classes and have no violation of the school attendance policy in order to participate in activities and/or attend trips.

Service Opportunity Guidelines:
The Christmas family project is an annual event. The organization usually sponsors two additional service opportunities during the year. These service opportunities vary from year to year.

Major Club Projects/Activities/Trips:
Some of our annual activities include: beginning-of-the-school year activity, field trip, Career Day, Christmas family project, various community service projects, American Enterprise project, fundraisers, concession stand work, and competitive events at the district, state, and national levels.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Upcoming Events

During the Bloomfield Fall Festival October 11, there will be a battle of the bands concert using Rock Band and Guitar Hero. A prize will be given to the first place winner. All profits raised will be donated to the March of Dimes. Check back for more updates on this event.

Also in conjunction with the Bloomfield Fall Festival, FBLA is planning to enter a float into the parade on Friday, October 10. The theme of this year's parade is Stars and Stripes Forever. We will collect money along the parade route to donate to the March of Dimes. If our float happens to place, we will also donate that prize money to the March of Dimes.

For more information regarding the March of Dimes, please visit